Thursday, September 27, 2012

What is to come in Literature: Questions.

a) What do you know about Hamlet, the "Melancholy Dane"?  
Absolutely nothing at all. The only thing I know is that Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

b) What do you know about Shakespeare?  
I know his writing was very different in his time period and that he wrote Romeo and Juliet. Also that he wrote many other great stories and wrote in Iambic Pentameter.

c) Why do so many students involuntarily frown when they hear the name "Shakespeare"?  
I think this happens because his reading is a little harder to read. If his stories were movies then every kid would love them. However many think that since his style is different it is harder to comprehend or get through.

 d) What can we do to make studying this play an amazing experience we'll never forget?
Rein-act the play....or have group project on the modern take of the play like Romeo and Juliet was done with Leonardo Decaprio in it. 

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