Monday, September 10, 2012


acumen (noun)- keen insight.

  • Capable Lawyers with business acumen are the valuable employees to any firm.
adjudicate (verb)- to settle or determine.

  • It is important to adjudicate an argument in a debate in order to have a winning side.
anachronism (noun)- something or someone that is not in its correct historical time.

  • The dinosaur walking down the street was a total anachronism to this time period.
apocryphal (adj)- of doubtful authorship or authenticity. 

  • When someone sounds more like a wise person online then in person, they can be very apocryphal.
disparity (noun)- inequality

  • There will always be disparity of wealth within this society.

dissimulate (verb)- to disguise or conceal under a false appearance.

  • In order to have the surprise part be a success, we had to plan and dissimulate all the plans in front of Kate.
empirical (adj)- derived from or guided by experience or experiment
  • In order to be a successful scientist you must be an empirical learner that is not afraid to take risks!
flamboyant (adj)- strikingly bold or brilliant; showy
  • The man who had a PHD in mathematical education was very flamboyant and never humble about his work.
fulsome (adj)- offensive to good taste, especially as being excessive;overdone or gross
  • The fact that the terrorists decided to crash a number of three planes on 9/11 was very fulsome and depressing.
immolate (verb)- to sacrifice
  • In order to please gods, some religions require you have an alter and immolate items to keep the gods happy.
imperceptible (adj)- very slight, gradual, or subtle.
  • The onions were so well cooked that their taste in the dish was very imperceptible.
lackey (noun)- a servile follower
  • K-pop fan girls are the most lackey out of all fan girls anywhere around the world. 
liaison (noun)- a person who initiates and maintains such a contact or connection. 
  • A boss is responsible to make a contract and commit to a liaison with his employees.
monolithic (adj)- consisting of one piece; solid or unbroken
  • When you buy a box of eggs you want to make sure all the eggs are monolithic.
mot juste (noun)- the exact, appropriate word 
  • In order to speak your mind clearly you must find all the mot juste that will fulfill your thoughts.
nihilism (noun)- total rejection of established laws and institutions.
  • When a criminal decides to commit nihilism he makes the decision to spend a long time in jail.
patrician (noun)- a person of noble or high rank; aristocrat. 
  • When kings existed they were a patrician on the pyramid of rank.
propitiate (verb)- to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate.
  • In order to have a successful club you must have all your decisions propitiated as a leader.
sic (verb)-to incite to attack 
  • A bear will sic you without warning if you have food it wants.
sublimate(adj)-to make nobler or purer
  • Monks live in ministries  in order to become more sublimate.

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