Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vocab List #7

Aberration - the act of departing from the right, normal, or usual course.
 Her family was the opposite from what she wanted to be so she decided to take aberration from them and become her own person.

Ad hoc- for the special purpose or end presently under consideration
Ex: The ad hoc committee disbanded after making its final report.

Bane - something causes misery or death, a person or thing that ruins or spoils:
Gambling was the bane of his existence.

Bathos - triteness or triviality of style; a change from a serious subject to a disappointing one
The saga of this family brings forth so much indescribable empathy and bathos.

Cantankerous - stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate(disagreeable to deal with)
The boy was always getting in trouble for not paying attention and being cantankerous.

Casuistry - moral philosophy based on the application of general ethical principles to resolve moral dilemmas; argumentation that is specious or excessively subtle and intended to be misleading
Ex: Alas, nothing in this barrel of casuistry holds water.

De facto - in fact; in reality, actually existing, especially when without lawful authority
 Although his title was prime minister, he was de facto president of the country.

Depredation - a destructive action; the act of preying upon or plundering; robbery; ravage(damage)
His depredation actions caused him to go to jail multiple times and have many people dislike him and his past decisions.

Empathy - understanding and entering into another's feelings
 The neighbor had empathy for the boy who’s dog died because he had his dog die two years ago.

Harbinger - a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another
 No one likes a harbinger person because people like to make choices for themselves.

Hedonism - an ethical system that evaluates the pursuit of pleasure as the highest good
But it generates a gentle buzz of pleasure that matches the lazy hedonism of late summer.

Lackluster - lacking luster or shine; lacking brilliance or vitality
The wife was very unhappy with her wedding ring because it lackluster.

Malcontent - discontented as toward authority; not satisfied or content
Ex: The malcontent do not feel satisfied, and seem to be preparing for a sudden violent attack of some kind.

Mellifluous - pleasing to the ear
They only reason he always was so mellifluous was because he wanted to get her to like him in a romantic way instead of just a friend.

Nepotism - favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs)
 She was accused of nepotism when she made her nephew an officer of the firm.

Pander - someone who procures customers for whores (a pimp); arrange for sexual partners for others; give satisfaction to
But interpretive development need not pander to the former, nor seem impoverished to the latter.

Peccadillo - a very minor or slight sin or offense; a trifling(insignificant) fault
 Compared to the many hells they have done this was a peccadillo act.

Piece de resistance - the most noteworthy or prized feature, aspect, event, article, of a series or group; special item or attraction.
She fell in love with this man and called him her piece de resistance.

Remand - the act of sending an accused person back into custody to await trial. Refer to another committee or authority or court for decision; lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
 The chance that a given remand prisoner will end his or her life in prison is not unusually high.

Syndrome - a group of symptoms that together are characteristic of a specific disorder or disease
Irritable bowel syndrome may be a lifelong condition.

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