Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tools That Change the Way We Think

The internet constantly changes my mind because I realize day by day that having that world at our fingertips can not only be a great advantage but also a dangerous thing. I think the internet has really changed the way I communicate with others and made me kind of socially awkward because I usually hide behind my computer screen and talk to someone through an email or a Facebook chat box. I think the internet is a great advantage to learning new things but it is also very distracting and can send your brain to think about a million different things in less then a minute. Its great to have others opinions and help at the push of a button but sometimes we look at the opinions and ideas that should not really affect us but since they are on the internet they really do. I think at the moment I am trying to think about to many things at the same times because that is what the internet does and it really is becoming a way of life for my generation. You have the phones, the laptops, the ipods.. and everything else with internet apps just waiting to be taken for a spin. It kind of scares me to think that maybe one day we will have internet/Google chips stuck into our brain. However just as Darwinism states it, we must continue in survival of the fittest.

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