Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reflections on Week 1

  1. Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? (Access to a computer, cell phone, transportation? Family that can help or hassle? Friends that can help or hassle? Scheduling factors that can help or hassle?) 
I think this year I will be very sleep deprived. The reason being I am in four performance groups and have a really busy schedule even right now on the second week into school. I only have three actual homework classes so the work load won't be extremely heavy but I am scared to fall behind in this class. The reason being because even though I do have access to internet and a phone and what not I don't have as much time on my hands to actually check everything and keep updated on every single post it will be quite impossible. I do wish to make my senior year a good one though so I feel sleep will have to falli in play somewhere.

Think of an awesome (or the best ever) learning experience (or an experience where you changed) What was it you learned? [call it X] Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or ?) How did you know what was happening? 

I think the best way that I ever learned was through music. I remember when I was in fourth grade and I picked up an instrument it totally picked me up, made me feel energized, and ready to learn. This is when I came to the realization that I am an active learner. I can't sit in a class and listen to someone talk fifty minutes straight without any interactions. It makes me sleepy and I really can not concentrate on the lesson. However if as a student I could participate actively in a lesson one way or another it would keep me on my toes and ready for more. Music kind of guided me into how I learn, and how I process information. Whether it be reading a book or running through some music with my instrument it really works the same way in my head.

What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning?  How do you think it can/will make a practical difference in your life?

I believe I am excited for the course in general and but very concerned about keeping on top of things with homework, performance, a social life. Well my social life does not really affect it so much but I feel even the fact that the past two weeks I have had around four hours of sleep daily could be bad for me. So just keeping on top of things is my biggest concern in general.

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